
You only have know one thing
you can learn anything

Free Educations



Welcome To the Academy!

Bell Academy is a free online learning academy focused on providing Black / African American middle and high school students with a Black Studies focused curriculum. We provide self-paced, supplemental educational materials to enhance our students' ability to succeed in their classes. The goal of our supplemental educational materials is to assist students like a tutor or afterschool program would, but through virtual learning. We also encourage parents who are homeschooling their children to consider using our educational materials. (1) The supplemental lesson plans are designed to align with a 180-day school year, broken into four nine-week quarters, over two semesters (Fall and Spring) for middle and high school students. The instructor designed the lesson plans to enhance (not replace) in-school curriculum by approaching the topic from a culturally relevant, response, and sustaining way. The lesson plans also include honors or advanced placement (AP) learning activities.


Core Courses


Free Curriculum Resources for Homeschooling

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it's even more important that Black parents have access to homeschooling curriculum resources for their middle and high school students.

Lesson Plans

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